Dear readers, we need to apologize. We know some of you have noticed that Good Enough has gotten much quieter this year than last, across this blog, our newsletter, and socials. We’ve been heads down for the last few months on something new, but we’re now ready to come back up for air and hang with you again! We know you miss hearing from us.
So allow me to formally introduce Good Enough’s next product: Jelly! It’s a new shared inbox for teams. It’s a game-changer, and it’ll be out soon.
The Problem
We last talked about this idea and the impetus for it back in March. As a small team of 6, we were just sharing a login to a single Fastmail inbox for all of our shared emails (i.e.,,, etc).
With every new product we built, our volume of emails from customers and friends grew, and by the end of last year we hit a tipping point. When we’d get an email, who on the team was going to answer it? How did anyone know they would answer it? Did they even see it? Where do we ask questions? Who on our team wrote this reply? We found ourselves constantly "Mark as unread"-ing email for others to hopefully find. It was a mess.
We knew we needed a better option, so we went searching for one. There’s plenty of help-desk adjacent inbox tools on the market, we thought. But oh boy, are they expensive! 🙈 We don’t need all the bells and whistles they charge to justify the high price, we just need a single inbox where we could properly collaborate. And we heard this same need from many other teams just like ours.
So we built one.
Our Solution
Jelly is our take on this common problem. It’s the simplest way for teams to jam on shared email, together. In Jelly, everyone on your team can easily see who-has-what, discuss messages privately in threaded comments, and gain a shared understanding of a conversation’s latest status.
We’ve actually been using Jelly for the last few months while we’ve been actively developing it. If you interacted with us over email recently, our team was using Jelly! And it’s been awesomely useful for us.
Let me give you a real example: Our resident Pika Expert Barry typically handles most email that’s sent to With Jelly’s ability to claim conversations, we can all now easily see at-a-glance which of those emails Barry said he’s going to handle, and which he hasn’t even seen yet. An immediate improvement.

Also, if I’m going to answer a Pika email but have a question for Barry first, I can ping him internally right within the conversation. This happens more often than you think!

And when Barry’s super efficient and knocks out a bunch of Pika emails before I start my day, I can catch up via the Recent Activity log.

The screenshots above are all from a quick funny demo account, but you get the point. There’s a bunch more features of the app, but at its core, it’s just like any other email inbox you’ve used before, but built for teams. We’ll be talking about it and showing off more over the next few weeks as we get back into the socials groove. We hope you follow along.
Join the Waitlist
If you’re on a small team with shared addresses like hello@ or support@, we think Jelly could be really useful for you. Or if you’ve got a friend in this situation, please share!
We’ve got a few more i’s to dot and t’s to cross before it’s ready for a wider launch — we don’t even have a cute mascot yet! — but we’re going to open a beta pretty soon. If you’re interested in the beta or the wider launch, you can find a link to the waitlist here: